A flared, molded bonnet and fully molded base. The off-white dial features Arabic numerals and floral-patterned corner accents. A spun brass pendulum bob appears behind the front-opening glass door which features a polished brass door pull. Finished in Oak Yorkshire on select hardwoods and veneers. Solid Oak moldings on top and bottom with reeded door columns also made from Solid Oak.
The Precision German-made Key-wound Westminster chime movement requires winding only once per week. The chime on/off lever is located on the dial. Key-wound, quarter-hour Westminster chime movement with an hour count. Once a week wind. Chime silence lever and durable bushings.
One-Year warranty and Free Shipping.
Size: Height 24" Width 14-3/4" Depth 7-1/4"
The Precision German-made Key-wound Westminster chime movement requires winding only once per week. The chime on/off lever is located on the dial. Key-wound, quarter-hour Westminster chime movement with an hour count. Once a week wind. Chime silence lever and durable bushings.
One-Year warranty and Free Shipping.
Size: Height 24" Width 14-3/4" Depth 7-1/4"

Made in USA
This Keywound Wall Clock is Made in USA.
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